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Responder - Sleaze Podcast 083

Fri, 08 Sep 2017 07:12:36 -0400
149.7 MB, 01:02:22,

Responder - Sleaze Podcast 083
This month we welcome a great mix by German duo Responder! Hailing from Bielefeld, they have a very unqiue analog sound, which you will be able to hear on their debut 4 track EP for Sleaze “Echoes” which will be out later this month. We hope you enjoy their mix for the podcast!
Download/listen to the Podcast on Soundcloud:https://soundcloud.com/sleazepodcast/responder-sleaze-podcast-083
Subscribe to the Poscast on itunes:https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/sleaze-podcast/id399390520
Responder Links:www.facebook.com/respondermusic